Van Sabben Poster Auction 64

Special Peter Remie’s Breda Beer collection 112 Anonymous Anker Bier Pilsener Djakarta Indonesia (puz- zle) 31,5x37, wooden puzzle in wooden case, for the Indonesian market, ca. 1950, rare B+ € 60 -140 113 Langcat Bussum (attr.) Breda bier Agentschap 38,5x53,5, original study gouache on artist's (card)board for the enamal sign, executed by Langcat Bussum, unique. A- € 160 -400 114 Jan Wijga (1902-1978) De Drie Hoefijzers Bier Breda Calendar 31,5x47, ca. 1950 B+ € 70 -140 115 Gerard Lubbers Breda Bier bindt de Kat/Klant de Beugel Aan! 29x38, folder, 1963, added: anon., roughly same size, 3 hoefijzerbier nieuws, 1958 B+/A- € 40 -80 (2) 116 Willem A. de Wijn (1902-1983) De Drie Hoefijzers Bier Breda Bokbier 30x38, gouache on board (ex. Luii archive), added: anon., gouache on paper, 39,5x55, ca. 1940 B/B+ € 280 -360 (2) 117 Anonymous Bierbrouwerij De Drie Hoefijzers Firma F. Smits van Waesberghe Breda 86x62, ca. 1910, on original hardboard, rare B € 280 -500 118 Anonymous Brouwerije Bokbier 21x32, gouache on thin cardboard, ca. 1935 A- € 140 -240 119 Anonymous Drink Breda pils De Drie Hoefijzers Bierbrouwerij 32,5x47,5, ca. 1950, calender backboard C € 70 -140 120 Steen Three Horses Beer Hong Kong Three Horsehoes 31x49,5, 1954 B € 70 -120 112 118 115 113 119 116 114 120 117 20