Van Sabben Poster Auction 62

67 Fok van uit Harderwijk Marken Spakenburg zuiderzeewerken 48x69, ca. 1950 A- € 120 -220 68 Anonymous KLM The Flying Dutchman (Constellation) 51,5x67, 1950, on linen B+ € 140 -280 69 Anonymous Vliegspel Holland-Indië per Pelikaan Viruly (Fokker F XVIII) 57x42, 1934, game on thin cardboard B+ € 100 -200 70 Marcello Nizzoli (1887-1960) Bitter Le Coq 23,5x34, ca. 1930, added: monogram MZ, Liqueurs Senglet, 33x47, ca. 1920, both on card- board A-/B+ € 140 -280 (2) 71 Michel Quarez (1938-2021) Israel Museum Fresh design 45x68, 1994 A € 70 -140 72 Initial f. Een Joodse Staat eist Joodse Grond 39x54, ca. 1960 A- € 70 -140 73 Illegible signature The Bee (matches) 21,5x61,5, added: Geisha canned food, 30x62, both ca. 1910, both metal strip at top B+ € 160 -300 (2) 74 Hiroshi Ohchi (1908-1974) idea Magazine 52x74,5, ca. 1955, added: same artist, same size, diff. colours A € 140 -400 (2) 75 John Vickory GPO Outposts of Empire Ceylon 63,5x51, 1937 A € 120 -220 67 73 70 68 74 71 69 75 72 14