Van Sabben Poster Auction 62

61 Edmond Maurus (1900-?) Air Union Marseille-Ajaccio-Tunis 30x40, 1927 A-/B+ € 280 -600 62 Édouard Collin (1906-1983) Allez en Corse Cie Gle Transatlantique (sea- plane C.A.M.S. 53) 40x65, 1950 A- € 220 -400 63 Edmond Maurus (1900-?) Air Union Rapid Azur Londres-Paris-Genève (Breguet 280T) 30x40, 1927 A-/B+ € 280 -600 64 Franz Krausz (1905-1998) EL AL Israel National airlines Douglas DC-4 (Theodor Herzl) 35x50, 1949 A- € 180 -400 65 Edmond Maurus (1900-?) Air Union Golden Ray paris London (Liore et Olivier 21 twin-engine) 30x40, 1927 B+ € 280 -600 66 Willy Dzubas (1877-1947) Germany wants to see you Berlin (1930's Mercedes-Benz) 50x71, 1930, for the information office in New York opposite St. Patricks B+ € 160 -300 61 65 63 62 66 64 13