Van Sabben Poster Auction 60
1212 John Pashe (1945-) The Rolling Stones American Tour 63,5x97, 1972 A-/B+ € 180 -400 1213 Heinz Edelmann (1934-2009) Movie: Die Beatles in "Yellow Submarine" 65x92, ca. 1968 A- € 100 -220 1214 Christian Piper (1941-) Rolling Stones Tour of Europe '76 (Matterhorn in background) 59,5x84, 1976 A- € 180 -350 1215 Anonymous The Rolling Stones added: appr. same size, anon., Mick Jagger, 1982 A-/B+ € 70 -200 (2) 1216 Anonymous The Beatles naked 74x62, ca. 1968 A- € 140 -300 1217 Friedl Dicker-Brandeis (1898-1944) Comedian Harmonists 94,5x70, ca. 1930 A- € 80 -200 1218 Waldemar Swierzy (1931-2013) Jazz Greats Miles Davis 67,5, 98,5, ca. 1965 A- € 180 -450 1219 Joan Ramon Frank Zappa in Sports Palace Barcelona 33,5x48, ca. 1985 A- € 80 -160 1220 Anonymous Salsa live in Holland Celia Cruz 50x70, ca. 1980 B € 70 -150 1212 1218 1215 1213 1219 1216 1214 1220 1217 135
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