Van Sabben Poster Auction 60

865 Various artists, a.o. Machiel Wilmink, An archive collection of the Victoria Biscuits company Dordrecht In various sizes: many small litho's, gouache- designs for biscuit tins. Further a tin, some (st. Nic.) moulds ánd a big sized original bicuit! Added: original pencil (1951) and charcoal drawing (1964) of the N.V. Biscuit- en Chocolate factories in Dordrecht, 2 diplomas 1928 and 1929, Indonesia, a diploma from Bologna, Italy, also a lithograph of the factory in Soerabaia, Indonesia, 1937 and a certificate from the Zeeland Evacuées, 1944 A-/B+ € 900 -2500 (60) 104