Van Sabben Poster Auction 59
859 Anonymous Ja, det skal naturligvis vaere (Danish), (Yes, of course it has to be) Alfa Nr. 56 Margarine ENAMEL convex, 39,5x60, ca. 1925, manuf. by Johs. Thejll, Kobenhavn, no restorations A- € 2800 -4500 860 Ludwig Hohlwein (1874-1949) Pelikan durchsichtig Günther Wagner ENAMEL convex, 39,5x60, ca. 1935, no restora- tions A-/B+ € 2100 -4500 861 Various artists, a.o. A. Hahn sr., L. Kalff, Philips 10x15, each, 139x20 fold-out book, with a series of 10 different Philps poster designs in chronologi- cal year order 1917-1959, tin plates, all ca. 1960 A- € 340 -950 862 De Arbeiderspers De Roode Krant door heel het land ENAMEL flat, 49,5x74,5, ca. 1935, manuf. by Langcat Bussum, no restorations B € 2800 -4500 863 Anonymous Drink Coca-Cola Heerlijk ENAMEL convex, diam. 58,5, ca. 1950, manufac- tured by Langcat Bussum, no restorations A- € 480 -1000 864 Anonymous Créme de Gruyère Nestlé ENAMEL flat folded edge, 31,5x49, ca. 1950, manuf. by Emaillerie Alsacienne Strasbourg, no restorations B+ € 4000 -6500 865 Anonymous Fongers De Groninger Rijwielen Fabriek ENAMEL flat folded edge, 38x79, ca. 1940, by Langcat Bussum, minor restorations B+ € 900 -1600 859 864 862 860 865 863 861 80 Walter K.A.H. von Wenz zu Niederlahnstein (1898-1963 Enamel and other advertising subjects