Van Sabben Poster Auction 59
1209 Anonymous Broken Tools hold up production and help the Rising Sun 43x56, ca. 1943 A- € 80 -200 1210 Monogram HR Production Make it a Homer Uncle! 43,5x56,5, 1942 B/B+ € 80 -200 1211 Anonymous Union Pacific Railroad Keep 'em rolling Life- Lines to Victory 40x56, added: same size and topic, Everything under control; Daddy, ain't you got a uniform?; Our hat's in the ring for Victory; Teamwork; Box cars… to bombers, all 1944 A-/B € 180 -600 (6) 1212 Anonymous Schickelgruber #11 likes to break things 43x56, added: same size and topic, #6 Only a Schickelgruber keeps his machins sloppy; #10, Is a Tool Borrower, all ca. 1943 A- € 100 -300 (3) 1213 Anonymous Waste production = Increase taxes 43x56, added: same size and topic, Broken tools are Deserters; Brother! It comes out of your pocket, all ca. 1943 A- € 100 -300 (3) 1214 Harvey Ragsdale Don't be an armchair general! Be a production soldier! 43x56, 1942 B € 60 -120 1215 Anonymous Appreciate America Let's smash the Bottleneck 35x51, 1941 A- € 70 -150 1216 Wright You Helped to Set Off that Dynamite! 36x56, ca. 1941 A € 80 -180 1209 1214 1212 1210 1215 1213 1211 1216 112