Van Sabben Poster Auction 53
914 Alphonse Mucha (adapted) Henrietta Crosman 55,5x71, ca. 1908, on linen, a rare adaptation derived from Mucha's Ivy (1901) to promote the American actress Henrietta Crosman B+ € 1200 -2500 915 Jane Atché (1872-1937) Without text, (Rêverie) 42x41, added: same artist, appr. same size, Méditation, both decorative panels on thin card- board, both 1897 A- € 1600 -3000 (2) 916 Alphonse Mucha (1860-1939) without text (La Chasse/The Hunt) 118x192, 1894, home-décor panel on linen stretched on wooden frame B € 200 -1000 917 Théophile-A. Steinlen (1859-1923) before text, (Académie Nat. de Musique Helé Opéra) 65,5x90, 1896 A- € 450 -1250 918 Charles Robinson (1870-1937) The Studio Art Exhibitions Almanac 1900 37,5x98, 1899, on cardboard B+ € 900 -1500 914 917 916 915 918 113
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